S 3502
S 3502 is a soft-annealed aluminum foil, designed as adhesive tape in rolls. Self-adhesive equipment with a high-quality adhesive system based on acrylate.
Main function
Taping and wrapping aluminum coated insulation mats, insulation against heat and cold
Thermal insulation in the engine compartment, exhaust area, catalysts, ventilation and air conditioning, sealing at welding under inert gas etc.
The surface must be carefully cleaned from dust, grease, oil and water.
Full area adhesion has to be insured. The adhesion strength is directly dependent from the processing pressure. The material has to be pressed in firmly, e.g. using a feed roll.
Processing temperature: 18 - 25 °C
Storage conditions
Dry at temperatures between 18 - 25 °C,
protect against UV exposure
Max storage time: 6 months
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